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It was with great pleasure that Tanque by Science & Wine participated for the third time in the renowned Douro Oxheart Tomato Competition, held at the historic Casa de Mateus on August 23, 2024. This event marks the IX edition of the competition, which celebrates one of the Douro Valley’s most unique and cherished agricultural products—the Oxheart Tomato.

The Douro Region: More Than Just Wine

The Douro region is globally recognized for its wines, especially the famed Port wine. However, the region’s rich agricultural heritage extends far beyond vineyards, encompassing a variety of traditional crops such as olives, almonds, and figs. The Oxheart Tomato, with its distinctive heart shape and intensely rich flavor, stands out as one of the Douro’s most iconic products. It thrives in the Douro’s unique terroir, where the combination of hot, dry days and cold nights, along with the region’s schist soils, creates the perfect environment for these tomatoes to develop their exceptional taste and firm texture.

The Douro Oxheart Tomato Competition is more than just a celebration of a fruit; it is an homage to the deep connection between the Douro’s agricultural traditions and its people. This event not only highlights the gastronomic potential of the Oxheart Tomato but also reinforces the importance of preserving traditional farming practices passed down through generations.


The Significance of the Oxheart Tomato in the Douro

The Douro’s landscape, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a mosaic of vineyards, olive groves, almond orchards, and family vegetable gardens. Within this rich tapestry, the Oxheart Tomato holds a special place. Known for its striking size, vibrant color, and unparalleled flavor, the Oxheart Tomato has become a symbol of Douro’s commitment to maintaining its agricultural diversity.

Despite its delicate nature, which makes it difficult to transport over long distances, the fragility of the Oxheart Tomato is seen as a strength. This characteristic anchors the fruit to its origin, ensuring that it is enjoyed where it is grown—right in the heart of the Douro. This connection to the land not only preserves the quality of the fruit but also supports the local economy by encouraging consumption within the region.

Preserving Agricultural Heritage and Promoting Sustainability

The importance of preserving these traditional varieties cannot be overstated. In an era of globalized food production, where standardization often leads to a loss of diversity, the Douro Oxheart Tomato represents a triumph of local knowledge and agricultural heritage. These tomatoes, cultivated with care by generations of Douro families, embody the natural genetic diversity that is crucial for adaptation to environmental changes.

Traditional varieties like the Oxheart Tomato are invaluable not only for their unique flavors and textures but also for their resilience. Over time, these varieties have adapted to the specific conditions of the Douro region, developing natural resistance to pests and diseases. This makes them particularly valuable in the face of climate change and other environmental challenges.

The Launch of Two Significant Publications

The competition at Casa de Mateus also served as the platform for the launch of two significant publications: “Tomate Coração de Boi do Douro – A Outra Riqueza do Vale Mágico” (The Douro Oxheart Tomato – The Other Treasure of the Wine Region) and an accompanying Good Practices Guide.

“Tomate Coração de Boi do Douro – A Outra Riqueza do Vale Mágico” is a comprehensive exploration of the Douro Oxheart Tomato, offering readers an in-depth look at this extraordinary fruit. The book begins with a historical overview, tracing the journey of the Oxheart Tomato from its origins in South America to its adaptation in Europe, and eventually, its cultivation in the Douro Valley. This historical context sets the stage for understanding the cultural and agricultural significance of the Oxheart Tomato in the region.

The book also delves into the unique terroir of the Douro, explaining how the region’s climate, soil composition, and traditional farming practices contribute to the exceptional quality of the Oxheart Tomato. Detailed descriptions of the tomato’s morphology are provided, including an analysis of its seeds, the various stages of plant growth, and the characteristics of the fruit itself. This section is particularly valuable for those interested in the scientific and agricultural aspects of tomato cultivation.

In addition to the technical content, the book highlights the culinary versatility of the Oxheart Tomato. It features a collection of recipes from renowned chefs who have creatively incorporated the tomato into both traditional and modern dishes. These recipes showcase the tomato’s ability to enhance flavors and textures, making it a favorite ingredient among culinary professionals and home cooks alike. From simple salads to elaborate gourmet dishes, the Oxheart Tomato shines as a key component in a variety of culinary creations.


The Good Practices Guide is an essential companion to the book, serving as a practical manual for anyone interested in cultivating the Douro Oxheart Tomato. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on every aspect of tomato cultivation, from seed selection and planting to the maintenance and care of the crop. It covers essential topics such as soil preparation, fertilization, irrigation, and pest management, offering expert advice on how to achieve the best results.

One of the key features of the guide is its emphasis on sustainable farming practices. Given the increasing awareness of environmental issues, the guide promotes methods that minimize the use of chemicals and encourage biodiversity. For example, it includes tips on natural pest control and soil enrichment techniques that improve plant health without harming the ecosystem.

The guide also addresses the challenges of post-harvest handling, providing best practices for storage and conservation to ensure that the fruit retains its quality after it is picked. This information is invaluable for small-scale farmers and home gardeners who want to make the most of their crops.


The Broader Impact: Enhancing the Douro’s Reputation

The Douro Oxheart Tomato Competition and the accompanying publications are part of a broader effort to enhance the region’s reputation as a destination for food and wine tourism. By celebrating the Oxheart Tomato, the Douro is showcasing its rich agricultural diversity and reinforcing its commitment to preserving traditional farming practices.

The involvement of local wine producers in projects like this is a positive indicator of the region’s dedication to promoting its full range of agricultural products. These initiatives not only support the local economy but also attract visitors who are eager to experience the authentic flavors of the Douro.

In this context, the Oxheart Tomato becomes more than just a fruit; it is a symbol of the Douro’s cultural and agricultural heritage. It represents the hard work and dedication of the region’s farmers, who have preserved these traditional varieties for generations. It also highlights Douro’s potential as a leader in sustainable agriculture, offering a model for other regions to follow.

Looking Ahead: The Future of the Douro Oxheart Tomato

As the Tanque by Science & Wine team reflects on this year’s competition, we are reminded of the power of local food traditions to connect us to the land and each other. The Douro Oxheart Tomato is more than just a fruit; it is a testament to the enduring legacy of the Douro Valley and its people. The success of the IX Douro Oxheart Tomato Competition and the publication of the accompanying books demonstrate a growing recognition of the importance of preserving traditional agricultural practices.

Looking ahead, there is great potential for the continued promotion and enhancement of the Douro Oxheart Tomato. By supporting initiatives that celebrate this unique fruit, we can help ensure that it remains a vibrant part of the Douro’s agricultural landscape. This will not only benefit the local economy but also contribute to the preservation of the region’s cultural heritage.

Tanque by Science & Wine is proud to be a part of this effort and looks forward to continuing our participation in future competitions. We are committed to supporting the preservation and promotion of the Douro’s agricultural treasures and to sharing the stories of the people who make this region so special. Through our work, we hope to inspire others to appreciate the rich diversity of the Douro and to join us in celebrating its unique products, like the Oxheart Tomato.

Read more about this at: https://tomate-coracao-de-boi-do-douro.com/

Créditos: Greengrape, photos of Anabela Trindade

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