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The synthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) has become increasingly important for addressing environmental and health challenges. Green synthesis, which uses renewable resources and eco-friendly methods, offers a sustainable alternative to traditional nanoparticle production. This approach minimizes harmful environmental impacts, making it a preferred choice in various fields including environmental remediation and healthcare. Olive oil waste (OOW) is a promising source of NP because of its rich composition of polyphenols, lipids, and other bioactive compounds. This study explores the potential of OOW-derived NPs, their synthesis methods, applications, and the benefits they offer in environmental and health contexts.

Environmental Impact of Olive Oil

Waste Olive oil production generates significant waste, including olive mill wastewater (OMWW) and solid residues (pomace), which pose environmental challenges owing to their high organic content and potential toxicity. However, these wastes are rich in valuable compounds that can be repurposed for green NP synthesis. The Mediterranean region, a major producer of olive oil, generates vast quantities of this waste annually, highlighting the need for sustainable waste management solutions. The conversion of OOW into NPs not only addresses waste disposal issues but also contributes to the circular economy by turning waste into valuable materials.

Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles from Olive Oil

Waste Green synthesis involves the use of natural reducing and stabilizing agents found in OOW, such as polyphenols and lipids, to produce NPs. This process aligns with the principles of sustainability by utilizing renewable resources and minimizing hazardous byproducts. Unlike conventional synthesis methods, which often require high-energy inputs and toxic chemicals, green synthesis is energy efficient and environmentally benign. For instance, plant extracts from olive leaves and pomace can effectively reduce metal ions to NPs and simultaneously stabilize them to prevent aggregation. This dual functionality is crucial for producing high-quality NPs suitable for various applications.

Composition and by-products of the olive oil industry

Methods of Green Synthesis

The synthesis of NPs from OOW can be categorized into biological, chemical, and physical approaches.

  • Biological Approaches: These methods use living organisms or their components, such as bacteria, fungi, and plant extracts, to synthesize NPs. The natural enzymes in these organisms facilitate the reduction of metal ions, resulting in NPs of controlled sizes and shapes.
  • Chemical Approaches: This approach replaces conventional hazardous chemicals with greener alternatives such as natural sugars or biodegradable solvents. For example, the use of olive mill wastewater in the synthesis of silver NPs leverages polyphenols as reducing agents, thereby creating NPs that are both effective and safe.
  • Physical Approaches: Techniques such as microwave irradiation and ultrasound-assisted synthesis enhance the efficiency of NP production by reducing the energy consumption and improving the reaction rates.

Characterization of Synthesized Nanoparticles

Characterization techniques are essential to determine the properties of NPs, including their size, shape, surface chemistry, and stability. Common methods include Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and UV-Visible Spectroscopy. These techniques provide critical insights into the structural and functional attributes of NPs, ensuring that they meet the requirements of their intended applications.

Applications in Environmental Remediation

OOW-derived NPs show great promise for environmental applications, particularly in water purification and pollutant degradation. Their unique properties, such as their high surface area and catalytic activity, enable them to effectively remove contaminants. For example, silver NPs synthesized from olive leaf extracts have been used to purify water via the degradation of hazardous pollutants. Similarly, other NPs from OOW can immobilize heavy metals, reducing their mobility and environmental impact.

Environmental applications of OOW

Health Applications

In healthcare, NPs from OOW are being explored for their potential in drug delivery, antimicrobial treatments, and cancer therapy. Their biocompatibility and ability to target specific cells makes them ideal for medical applications. For instance, OOW-derived NPs can serve as carriers for anticancer drugs, enhancing treatment efficacy while minimizing side effects. Additionally, their natural antimicrobial properties make them effective against drug-resistant pathogens and offer a new line of defense against infections.

Main residues, target compounds and main biological applications derived from OOW

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite the promising potential of OOW-derived NPs, several challenges must be addressed. Variability in waste composition can affect the consistency of NP properties, highlighting the need for standardized synthesis protocols. Scaling up production while maintaining quality remains a significant hurdle. Future research should focus on optimizing the synthesis methods, assessing long-term environmental impacts, and conducting comprehensive toxicity studies to ensure safe and effective applications.


Green synthesis of NPs from olive oil waste represents a sustainable approach to nanotechnology, offering solutions to environmental and health challenges. By repurposing waste materials, this method supports the principles of circular economy and sustainable development. As research progresses, OOW-derived NPs can play a pivotal role in advancing eco-friendly technologies that benefit both the environment and human health.

Read all at: Afonso, Inês S., et al. “Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles from Olive Oil Waste for Environmental and Health Applications: A Review.” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (2024): 114022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2024.114022

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